I took a couple of photos from the side of the road a while back. I thought I would try to turn one into a little painting. What caught my attention at the scene was the colorful orange grass on the hillside. I am convinced that a strong design is vital to a painting's success. So I did many little thumbnails where I played with the shapes and value pattern. I varied the sizes and the arrangement of the shapes. Finally I settled on the vertical format and made a 6"x8" painting. It's not a great painting... the brushwork is bad... among other things. But I think the design is working OK.

thumbnails (click to enlarge)

6"x8" oil on panel
1 comment:
Hurray! I'm so glad that you're venturing into painting. The painting looks great. And I can see that it's finding its way into the Jonesapaloosa side too. I hope you find it rewarding. Ironically, I'm in a line and wash phase with Trowbridge because it's faster.
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